The KULT: Divinity Lost team is spread around the globe, with many contributors.
Some of these are presented below, more to follow
Robin Liljenberg
Robin Liljenberg, KDL Head Writer and Designer, started working on the origins of KULT: Divinity Lost back in 2010, as a small Swedish downloadable fan-hack to the RPG ”Apocalypse World”. Robin came in contact with Marco and Petter from Helmgast, who after playing several sessions together, saw the potential and together developed the game into a fully fledged RPG.
Marco Behrmann
Marco Behrmann, KDL Project Lead, is an RPG industry veteran, and co-founder of Sweden’s then largest RPG publisher, Neogames AB, during the 1990-ties. Besides developing the critically acclaimed fantasy RPG ”Eon” and award-winning horror RPG ”Noir”, he has been involved with many classical Swedish RPG’s, including such as the cyberpunk ”Neotech” and historical ”Viking”.