
Frequently Asked
Support Questions

For general inquiries or support matters, email [email protected]

Q: How do I download my free PDF?
A: If your physical book includes a free PDF code, follow these steps:

  1. locate the code inside the book (for the 4th Edition Core Rules, the code is placed on a random page, so flip through the book carefully to locate the note with the PDF code),
  2. log on to
  3. find the PDF you want to download (e.g. Core Rules PDF)
  4. place it in the cart
  5. use the PDF code (without any space!) to retrieve it for free.

For support, contact Modiphius:  Modiphius Contact Form

Q: Is KULT: Divinity Lost available in other languages than English?
A: Yes. KULT - Divinity Lost will be released in German (by Truant), French (Arkhane), Spanish (Nosolorol), Portuguese (Red Box) and Polish (Alis Games).